Stylish Outfit: Winter White and Plaid

Top: Forever 21 // Pants: Paige // Booties: Sam and Libby for Target (similar) // Clutch: c/o Susu Handbags // Ring: c/o Rue Gembon // Necklace: c/o PopSugar (similar) // Watch: Nordstrom BP // Bracelet: c/o Swell Caroline
Pictures Credit: Wendy Smith

So that whole "no white after Labor Day" rule has completely been erased in my book and I am embracing wearing white, especially in the winter. I was on the hunt for the perfect plaid shirt for awhile and when I was browsing Forever 21 a while back, I cam across this one and knew it was the one. It wasn't scratchy feeling and was long and loose enough to still look flattering. I snagged these Sam and Libby for Target booties up on a late night Poshmark search when I couldn't sleep of course and am so glad I got them! They are comfortable and chic and I can wear them for hours without any pain! I kind of love this whole outfit, because its totally laid back but still chic enough for drinks after work or a date! Thanks to my girl Wendy for shooting these pixs and making me look fab! Hope everyone is having a great Tuesday!
So until next time... Live Stylishly

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