"Design is not for philosophy - it's for life”

Issey Miyake.

 I can remember hearing that name for the first time. I was sitting in one of my very first fashion classes in college, Colorado State to specific, in Design Appreciation, with bless her heart the most dull teacher I have ever had. She said this name and showed us a video of one his runway shows and I was instantly obsessed. The way he thinks outside the box and is so innovating it takes your breath away! 

Well as I was reading through my latest edition of WWD I came across an article about his new collection, origami inspired pieces that are 3D. The line titled 132.5 is based on patterns generated by a software that creates 3D shapes from a single flat sheet of paper. This results in clothing rendered in a recycled polyester fabric that are folded flat into geometric shapes that are then overlaid with sheets of colored tinfoil, which ultimately produce an abstract pattern once worn on the body. Its like the garment comes alive when its put on!
this is before it is worn

this is after it's worn

Only Issey can take tinfoil and make into amazing fashion. I must say this is stylelista approved! You can read the full WWD article  here

So until next time... Live Stylishly