I can't believe today is my last day of flashbacks before the big five year celebration tomorrow! 2013 was a crazy busy year for me! I started dating R, I traveled so much (NYC, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, Houston to name a few) changed jobs (and was laid off), started SoCal Blogger Society and while some of the times were tough, I wouldn't change it for anything. I learned a lot of lessons in 2013 and really took my blog to a whole new level. I started doing a ton more outfit posts thanks to R, I was learning more about the industry and where my place could possibly be and I got to spend a redic amount of amazing times with my family at our beach house. Picking a favorite post from 2013 started out to be impossible, there were so many events that were significant but I realized that there was one post that stood out to me because 2013 was a tough year for me professionally and while there are a ton of bumps in the road, its getting past those bumps that really matter and I managed to get past the hurdles I was faced with, thanks to the incredible support of my family and friends, but also this blog! My favorite 2013 post was written on October 7th, right after I was laid off from what I thought was be my dream job. While i was incredibly down and didn't know where to go, I got so much support from my readers that helped me get through it....
Stylish Bumps in the Road picture credit: Pinterest
So you might be wondering why I went silent again last week and while again I wish it was good news it's not. I was let go from my new job, which was extremely unexpected and has been really hard on me. I know I have had a tough past few months and while I want to throw my hands up and give up, I know God has a plan for me and all these events are happening for a reason. I luckily have amazing family and friends to stand by me and this blog has been the biggest blessing. So don't worry everyone I will be continuing to blog through these hard times and thanks for all the sweet words of encouragement, I would be nowhere with out my readers! Don't forget, if you live in SoCal, please join my new blogger community SoCal Blogger Society!
So there you have it... I recapped the last 4 years of this blog over the past 4 days and tomorrow I will reveal my celebration for the fifth year of Stylelista Confessions. I hope everyone is having a fantastic Thursday!So until next time... Live Stylishly
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