Stylish BFF Birthday Wishes

Today is a huge day for my best friend T! She is finally 21 and I am so excited that I get to help her celebrate today! T is one of the sweetest people I have ever met and her heart is bigger than anyone I know! She is the most selfless person and puts others way before herself, so today is her day! She gets to be the center of attention and celebrate this AMAZING birthday! I am so lucky to have you as a best friend from our wild adventures in California to our random dance parties and obsession with Miley and Hannah I couldn't ask for a better best friend! I love you T and HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Only a few more months until we can hit the town by storm and show everyone what they have been missing for 21 years! I love you!

Cheers to a stylish birthday T!
So until next time... Live Stylishly