Victoria Beckham Stylish Handbag Line

If you are a handbag lover like me you know that an Hermes Birkin bag is basically the god of all handbags! It is the most classic bag and is carried by the A-list celebrities one in particular Victoria Beckham. her handbag collection is said to be worth over 2 million dollars so designing her own handbag line only seems logical to add to her growing resume! Her handbag line was debuted this new during New York Fashion Week when her Spring 2011 collection was shown. They are Hermes look-alikes with a very Victoria feel and are a must have for every stylelista! While they are still pretty pricey they are much less than a Hermes Bag and are gorgeous! They are set to be in Bergdorf Goodman stores in December.

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So until next time.. Live Stylishly