Stylish Dating

So being a stylelista we must always remain stylish no matter where we are going. From dates to school to work to parties, having the perfect stylish attire is key! 

Recently, I was asked out on a bowling date and the first thing that came to mind is what was I going to wear!? Bowling is a date where you must take off your precious shoes and wear your rentals, unless of course you have your own pair! My ideal outfit is of course my favorite jeans with a killer top and cute ballet flats that can easily be swapped for a pair of bowling shoes! 
photo credit:
I, of course, recommend Paige Premium Denim jeans in Laurel Canyon wash with a Ella Moss Bamboo Tunic and Jeffrey Campbell Gold Ballet Flats! Don't forget to accessorize! Add the perfect layered necklace or a cute cocktail ring and your set! Just don't forget to toss a pair of socks in your Balenciaga city handbag!

With that outfit not only will you win the guy but you'll win the game! Look How Vanessa Hudgens takes her precious Louboutin's off and still looks stylish! 
photo credit: People Magazine

So until next time... Live Stylishly